2017 Annual Association Assessment |
Pursuant to the Association’s governing documents, property owners are hereby notified that the annual assessment for 2017 will remain at $618.00 per lot. Many capital improvements and repairs have been performed and are still needed, creating the need to remain at the current level in 2017 to adequately replenish and continue funding the reserves.
The Board of Directors would like to again offer each owner the opportunity to divide the annual assessment into three (3) payments of $206.00 for those who might have a hardship from paying the fee in one lump sum and has extended the due date to accommodate this effort. You will find three (3) coupons enclosed for your use in mailing your payments to the processing center. Partial payment suggested due dates are as follows: December 15, 2016, January 15, 2017 and February 15, 2017. Please note that your 2017 assessment must be paid in full and received by February 28, 2017 to avoid late or legal fees. You do not have to take advantage of the partial payment option and can certainly pay in full in one lump sum by the due date. Also note that if you are currently being pursued for outstanding prior year’s fees, any payments made will be credited to outstanding balances or may not be accepted based on the account status. If you are currently delinquent, please contact management to discuss your account. The 2017 approved budget will be posted on this website. If you are in a financial position preventing you from paying the assessment in full by February 28, 2017, please send a written request for a payment plan extension either by mail, fax or email to the management company prior to the late date to avoid additional fees. If your account is currently delinquent, the balance reflected on the enclosed statement may not include all pending late or legal fees. Please contact management for the most up to date balance.
- Please mail the provided coupon with your payment(s).
- Make checks payable to PFMA, NOT High Sierra Management.
- Late payment information can be found on your coupon and on the Association website (Collection Policy).
- Mail payments ONLY to the address on the payment coupon.
- Payments are not accepted at the High Sierra Management location.
- When paying through your personal bank account,it is very important that you confirm the payment mailing address is the same as the information located on the payment coupons.
- Verify the payment amount.
- Make payments payable to PFMA, NOT High Sierra Management.
- Allow up to 7-10 business days for processing if you choose to use this payment method.
- Include the account number on your payment.
- Property owners have the option of paying online with a credit card or checking account. Owners can find the “Pay Assessments Online” link on the right hand side panel of the home page of this web site.
- Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, and American Express® remain as accepted card types as well.
- eCheck One-Time or Recurring Payments: Homeowners using the free eCheck option for either one-time or recurring payments will need to become a registered user and create a user name and password. The user name and password will remain the same for homeowners who have already established one for their recurring eCheck payment. Please call Customer Care at (888)705-0600
- Please visit this website for other information (i.e. legal documents, collection policy, annual budget, community events, meeting minutes, etc).
- Do you need to change your mailing address? Send an email to:
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, or send a written request to High Sierra Management, P.O. Box 940267, Houston, Texas 77094.