2014 Annual Meeting May 1st |
2014 Nominating Committee |
Friday, 17 January 2014 |
The Nominating Committee members preparing a slate of candidates for the May 1, 2014 Prestonwood Forest Maintenance Association Board election are Levy Bouligny, Mickey Merritt, and Lori Zech.
Per Article V of the Bylaws, the Nominating Committee consists of a member of the Board of Directors and at least two or more members of the Corporation. The Nominating Committee shall make as many nominations for election to the Board of Directors as it deems necessary, though not fewer than the number of vacancies that are to be filled. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the annual meeting.
This year there are 3 open positions on the Board, three (3) year terms.
The role of a Board member is to represent and protect the best interests of their constituents, protect property values, maintain common property and enforce the governing documents. If you are a resident interested in seeking a position on the Board, have questions, or need more information, please contact a Nominating Committee member or any member of the Board.
Look for updated information and further updates in the Prestonwood Press and on the website.
Prestonwood Forest Maintenance Association, Inc.
Board of Directors |
2014 Annual Association Assessment |
Friday, 17 January 2014 |
The 2014 assessment statements were mailed to all owners in early December 2013. The assessment is due by January 31, 2014 and considered late thereafter, resulting in fees and further collection action per the Association’s formal collection policy. If you are in a financial position preventing you from paying the assessment in full by January 31, 2014, please send a written request for a payment plan either by mail, fax or email to the management company prior to the late date to avoid additional fees.
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You have the option of paying online with a credit card or your checking account. You can find the online payment link on the Association website in the Assessment Maintenance Fee section or by visiting www.highsierramanagement.com and selecting the Pay Assessment Online section. |
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Please consult this website for other information (i.e. legal documents, annual budget, community events, meeting minutes, etc). |
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Do you need to change your mailing address? Send an email to:
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, or send a written request to High Sierra Management at P.O. Box 940267, Houston, Texas 77094. |
If you have any questions, feel free to contact your Association Manager, Sherri Carey, at 1-866-463-3598, ext. 3161. |
Report Broken Trash Cart |
Saturday, 28 September 2013 |
Report Streetlight Outage |
Thursday, 05 September 2013 |
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Results 145 - 153 of 158 |