Summer Pool Season is almost here and we want to share important updates on facilities scheduling:
- Pool-1 (at the Clubhouse) is the ONLY facility staffed with lifeguards
- Pool-2 (lane/fitness Pool on Ravenhurst) will again be a "Swim At You Own Risk" facility to allow less restrictive use for our residents who might want to swim at an earlier time during the day.
In order to accommodate Pool-2 as a "No Lifeguard/Swim At You Own Risk" facility, many revisions were required to the facility rules.
Please reference these important changes in the “ Swimming Pool Facilities Rules ” on this website.
• It is very important that the rules be followed and parents pay close attention to such because underage children will NOT be allowed to enter the facility without adult supervision for safety reasons. If there is a disregard for these rules or damage to the facility, the Pool WILL be closed until such time as lifeguards can be scheduled for limited hours access.
• As a reminder, the pool facilities are monitored by video surveillance and access card use at the gates is tracked through the management office. The facilities gates are programmed for access during the posted hours. Anyone in the facility outside of the scheduled hours WILL be deemed trespassing and face charges, and potential fines.
We urge all residents visiting the Pools to immediately report any violations and safety issues to the Management Company for attention.
• Customer Service can be reached at 855-289-6007 or by email at:
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• Live Chat is available on the management company’s website at
Recreation Access Cards ARE REQUIRED to enter and use BOTH Pool Facilities
If you have previously registered and received an Access Card, there is no need to submit a form as the cards are good from year to year and are re-activated upon payment in full of annual assessment fees.
For instructions on how to request a new or replacement Access Card through your TownSq account, click this link:
Access Card Policy and Request Form.
POOL-1 (at the Clubhouse)
**Lifeguards are On Duty ONLY at Pool-1
June 1 - August 11
- CLOSED on Mondays
- OPEN Tuesday through Sunday 12 PM - 8 PM
- Special Hours for Thursday, July 4 - 930 AM to 8 PM
August 12 - September 29 - WEEKENDS ONLY
- CLOSED Monday through Friday
- OPEN Saturday and Sunday 12 PM - 8 PM
- OPEN Labor Day (Monday, September 2)
POOL-2 (14533 Ravenhurst Ln.)
**NO Lifeguards – ‘Swim At Your Own Risk’
June 22 through October
- OPEN Monday through Sunday 6 AM – 7 PM
- Special Hours for Thursday, July 4 - 6 AM to 8 PM