The Prestonwood Forest Maintenance Association is dedicated to enhancing the community appeal and resident’s enjoyment of the ‘common areas’ within our unique forest community. The ‘common areas’ include the turf and garden areas surrounding the Recreational Facilities (the Clubhouse, Tennis-1 and Tennis-2 Facilities, and Pool-1 and Pool-2 Facilities), around the Entry Monuments (at S.H. 249, Schroeder Road, and Hargrave Road), and the esplanades within Prestonwood Forest.
Year-round landscaping activities include caring for the mature trees, planting new trees, the turf and irrigation system maintenance, and enhancing the garden areas with complimenting plants and seasonal color.
Cul-de-sac ‘Island’ Maintenance
Prestonwood Forest has 20 landscaped ‘islands’ on its cul-de-sac streets. Several are meticulously landscaped and maintained by residents, who prefer to enhance the appeal of their street with desired greenery, ground cover and seasonal color.
The remaining cul-de-sac ‘islands’ are maintained by the Association within the ‘common area’ landscaping services. Because cul-de-sac ‘islands’ are not constructed with electrical power and irrigation systems, landscaping typically consists of mature trees and drought tolerant shrubs.
Contact Us.
Residents with questions or suggestions about the ‘common area’ landscaping - or who are interested in assuming ownership of their street’s cul-de-sac ‘island’ - are encouraged to contact the Maintenance Association, either through the website’s Contact Us feature or by attending the monthly Association Meeting .
Coordinating any changes in cul-de-sac ‘island’ maintenance is extremely important in order to ensure that the Association’s contracted maintenance does not conflict with the resident’s landscaping activities.