One of the many services provided to subdivision homeowners by the Prestonwood Forest Maintenance Association is that of mosquito control. This is done seasonally, through contractual arrangements with a licensed pest control company.
Mosquito Fogging:
Mosquito fogging is performed on a weekly basis, from March 1 through October 31. If additional services are required, the Association has the option to request twice weekly fogging.
Mosquito fogging is only performed when wind speeds are no higher than twelve miles per hour. The fogging vehicle, equipped with two spraying outlets, is obligated to spray at a speed between ten and fifteen miles per hour. Although the contractor has been requested to spray during twilight hours, the contractor is contractually permitted to spray between the hours of sundown to sunup.
Facilities Pest Control:
In addition to the regular in-season fogging of Prestonwood Forest, the clubhouse and the pools and the grassy areas surrounding the pools are treated quarterly for roaches, ants and spiders.
Services Not Included:
Services that are specific to individual residences (such as backyard fogging and lawn treatments) are not included in this contract, or managed by the Home Owners Association. However, residents may contract independently, with the service provider, for additional types of treatments.
Questions / Issues:
If you have questions or need to report any issues please contact our management company or appropriate Association Board member through this site’s ‘Contact Us’ link. |