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Get the Card! Clubhouse Event Calendar Clubhouse Rental Agreement


The Prestonwood Forest Clubhouse, located at 13702 Prestonwood Forest Drive, is the location for: the monthly Prestonwood Forest Homeowner’s Association meetings, the Prestonwood Forest Utility District meetings, and official Prestonwood Forest Organizations' gatherings.

The Clubhouse features a main room and mini-kitchen; with the main room offering marble countertops, for serving or display, and a limited inventory of folding tables and chairs for use within the Clubhouse during rentals and meetings.

All scheduled events and clubhouse reservations are posted on the Clubhouse Calendar .

Clubhouse Rental:

Prestonwood Forest Clubhouse rental is available only to Prestonwood Forest property owners in good standing with the Association (tenants must have obtained use of property rights from the property owner). Family events such as: birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, receptions, and reunions, are among the most popular rental reasons by homeowners.

Use of the adjacent and nearby recreational facilities, such as swimming pools and tennis courts, and the common areas is not included in Clubhouse rentals. Please refer to the Clubhouse Rental Agreement for very important rental contract details, restrictions, and contact information.


Please note that ‘No Parking’ signs are posted on streets bordering to the Clubhouse: 1) along the east side of Prestonwood Forest Drive; from Glencliffe Lane to Middlebury Lane and 2) along the south side of Glencliffe Lane.

All motorized vehicles must remain in the paved streets, at all times. No motorized vehicles are allowed on Association property: Property includes, but is not limited to: turf areas, sidewalks, walkways, and decks.

When parking at the Clubhouse, please remain thoughtful and considerate to fellow homeowners. Do not block access to their mailboxes, access by trash collection services or impede residents’ use of their driveways, at any time.

Clubhouse Interior

Clubhouse Events Schedule

Wed, Feb 26th, @7:00pm - 08:00PM
Homeowners Monthly Meeting