Effective July 1, 2021 WCA Waste Corporation is now Green for Life Environmental (GFL) so you’ll begin to notice the GFL logo and signature green paint on the trucks. However, residents' scheduled waste collection services - and the call center phone number and call center hours remain the same as with WCA. (You will hear a new greeting 'GFL Environmental').
Collection SCHEDULE
Service Hours – Between 7:00 am* and 7:00 pm
* GFL begins dispatching trucks at 6:30 am. Residents are advised to have the appropriate items to be collected placed curbside by 6:30 am on the service days, as trucks might arrive before 7:00 am. |
Please reference the Guidelines sections for a list of items Accepted and Not Accepted for collection - and continue to be a thoughtful neighbor by only placing items curbside that are appropriate for that collection day.
Wednesday Collection
✔ Household Waste (Important: 95 gallon GFL TRASH Cart collection Only)
Saturday Collections
✔ Household Waste
✔ Bulk/Heavy Trash
✔ Tree/Yard Waste
Holiday Schedule - GFL observes New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If your service day falls on one of the observed Holidays, you will be serviced on the next scheduled service day.

Report a Problem or Have a Question ?
✔ Telephone: GFL Call Center: (281) 368-8397 (Monday– Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm)
✔ Email: Select the appropriate Trash Services contact on the Contact Us page
✔ FAQ’s : Please reference the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section.
Important : The Prestonwood Forest Directory ‘TRASH SERVICE’ information for Republic Waste is no longer correct. Please discontinue using this Directory reference after May 26.

Important: Effective May 30, 2020 Recycling Services were cancelled and GFL Recycle Carts were collected by GFL. The Prestonwood Forest Maintenance Association Board of Directors annually review costs and services to ensure the community and its members are receiving the most beneficial use of the annual assessments. And over the past two years as the market for recyclables continues to decrease and costs to process and pick up are on the rise according to broad research, the Board has had to make the tough decision to utilize the nearly $24,000.00 annual cost for this added service toward other fiscal responsibilities that will provide more long term benefit to entire community.
Continue Reading the full May 2020 Cancellation Announcement
- Please scroll to the ‘RECYCLING Drop-Off Locations’ section for additional information on area locations, free hazardous waste disposal and opportunities to donate your working appliances and household electronics.

Collection on Saturday
Items ACCEPTED for GFL ‘Tree/Yard Waste’ Collection
Yard waste includes leaves, grass clippings, branches, and general yard debris.
✔ Up to a total of six (6) bags/bundles/containers per residence
o This total includes household waste bags/containers on Saturday’s collection.
✔ Items must be in bags, customer containers, or securely bundled.
✔ Bags and containers are not to exceed 40 lbs. each.
✔ Branches and limbs should be no longer than four (4) feet in length, and six (6) inches in diameter. All branches and limbs should be tied in bundles weighing less than 40 pounds, and bundles should be stacked uniformly at the curb.
Items NOT ACCEPTED for GFL ‘Tree/Yard Waste’ Collection
o Tree/Yard waste not conforming to containment/weight/size specifications above.
o Tree trunks are NOT accepted.

Collection on Saturday
Items ACCEPTED for GFL ‘Bulk/Heavy Trash’ Collection
✔ Up to a total of four (4) Bulk/Heavy Trash items or containers per residence
✔ Containers, bags and bundles must not exceed 40 pounds.
✔ Carpet must be bundled and no longer than 3 ft. Each bundle must not exceed 40 pounds.
✔ Household Appliances and Furniture.
o Refrigerators MUST have Freon drained and TAGGED by a certified technician
o Grills must be emptied of ash and briquettes. No propane tanks
o Water heaters must be drained
Items NOT ACCEPTED for GFL Bulk/Heavy Trash Collection
o Wood
o Bricks, Pavers, Masonry Debris
o Roofing Material
o Sheetrock or Drywall
o Doors
o Paneling
o Windows
o Insulation
o Concrete
o Stone or Tile
o Batteries
o Dead Animals
o Dirt
o Excrement
o Hazardous Waste
o Lawn Mowers
o Pool Filters
o Propane Tanks
o Steel / Cast Iron Materials
o Tires
o Water Softeners

Collections on Wednesday and Saturday
Important: Wednesday’s automated collection is for the 95 gallon GFL TRASH Cart ONLY. Waste that is NOT in this GFL TRASH Cart will NOT be collected.
Items ACCEPTED for GFL Household Waste Collections
✔ Garbage - consisting of the accumulation of household waste from food preparation.
✔ Rubbish - consisting of paper, plastic, glass, crockery, and floor sweepings, mineral and metallic items.
✔ Yard Waste - consisting of tree, shrub and brush trimmings; and leaves, grass or other vegetative matter resulting from landscaping maintenance
Items NOT ACCEPTED for GFL Household Waste Collections
- Yard Waste items such as tree logs and large branches.
- All items in the above ‘NOT ACCEPTED’ lists for Bulk/Heavy Trash and Tree/Yard Waste.

GFL Cart Heavy/Bulk Trash and Yard Waste Placement
GFL Automated Collection for Poly Carts
Automated Collection is the most efficient waste removal service; utilizing a specialized collection truck with a lifting mechanism to empty the GFL Poly Carts.
✔ Each residence has (1) 95 gallon GFL TRASH cart
GFL Poly Carts Placement and Tips
On the scheduled Household Trash and Recycling days, GFL Poly Carts must be placed at your curb before 7:00 am, with the cart handle and wheels facing the curb.
✔ Please place Poly Carts on the street as shown in the picture below
✔ To accommodate the specialized collection truck’s lifting mechanism, special care must be take where the cart is placed:
o Carts must be at least 3 feet away from other carts, bagged items, heavy trash, parked cars and other objects so the automatic lifting mechanism can be safely attached
o Carts must also be placed away from mailboxes, posts and other objects that could affect safely lifting and replacing the carts.
✔ Items must be contained in the cart with the lid closed.
o Items placed on top of the cart or beside the cart will NOT be serviced on Automated Collections.
✔ Tip: Bagging your trash before placing it in the cart will help prevent blowing trash, when the cart is emptied, and help maintain the cleanliness of the cart.

Bulk/Heavy Trash & Tree/Yard Waste Placement (Saturday only)
On Saturday’s, Bulk/Heavy Trash and Tree/Yard Waste must be placed curbside before 7:00 am.
✔ Please make sure Waste and Bulk items must be at least 3 feet away from GFL Poly Carts, , parked cars and other objects such as lamp posts, and mailboxes are not obstructed by parked cars or other obstacles and do not present a traffic hazard.
✔ Loose items must be properly bundled, bagged or in containers – and conform to weight and dimension requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions
Please Contact Us if you have questions to add to this FAQ list - to help keep your friends and neighbors better informed.
What are the Resident’s RESPONSIBILITIES?
✔ Ensure that items placed curbside conform to the ‘Accepted’ waste collection items.
✔ Place only the items curbside for that day’s type of collection, and help keep your street tidy
✔ Appropriate curbside placement of carts and non-cart waste, to ensure collection.
✔ Report cart damage and collection issues through the above phone or email contacts
Can I use my PERSONAL trash containers for Wednesday’s Automated Collection?
- No, on Wednesday, the automated collection truck will service only the large blue GFL TRASH cart.
- Personal containers may be used for Saturday’s collections, however.
Can I use my PERSONAL trash cans on Saturday collections?
- Yes, on Saturday, personal trash cans may be used for Bulk/Heavy Trash and Tree/Yard Waste, and additional household waste items
- Please reference the guidelines for weight and ‘Accepted’ content considerations.
How do I dispose of my old PERSONAL trash containers?
- On Saturday, tape a paper to the side of the container that is clearly visible with a message such as 'Please remove this trashcan'.
Why is the cart distribution tied to being current with the Annual Maintenance Fee?
- The largest single budget item, paid by the Maintenance Association dues, goes toward waste collection.
Are there any other cart fees?
- A resident, who ceases to be in good standing with the annual Maintenance Association dues, is responsible for any waste collection start up charges, including items such as cart redeployment.

RECYCLING Drop-off Locations
Plus Hazardous Waste Disposal and Donating Working Appliances
Curbside Recycling for many items is available on Saturday. In addition, recycling drop-off locations are available throughout the area, as are opportunities for donating your working appliances and household electronics. Hazardous Waste is not collected by GFL, however Harris County offers free hazardous waste disposal to county residents, to ensure proper disposal of these materials.
The following locations were provided by our residents. If you are aware of new locations or changes to these drop-off locations or services, please Contact Us to help keep this list up to date.
Important: please be sure to call or visit the location to confirm acceptance of materials.
Local Drop-off Locations:

PAPER Recycling
- St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church , 7810 Cypresswood Drive – paper recycling container
- Brill Elementary School (Klein ISD) , 9102 Herts Road – paper recycling container
- Myer Park , 7700 Cypresswood Drive - paper and cardboard recycling containers
APPLIANCES, FURNITURE and BUILDING MATERIALS (resalable, in good working condition)
· Habitat for Humanity Re-store, 13350 Jones Rd, at the corner of Jones and Grant in the former Randall’s (281-890-5585) http://www.habitatnwhc.org/donate
- Goodwill Industries of Houston . Drop-off location: 12942 Willowchase Drive, 281-758- 2664 (Next to Fiesta). Goodwill accepts computer equipment regardless of condition, monitors, and televisions and other electronics. Goodwill partners with Dell to dispose of old computer equipment.
- Goodwill also resells complete systems, bargain systems, parts and vintage equipment at their Computer Works store at 171 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E. (Near Greenspoint Mall). 281-589-1215 (Map)
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs & Rechargeable Batteries
- Lowes, Hwy 249 & Cypresswood. Lowes provides a drop off container near the customer service counter for your CFL, rechargeable batteries, and plastic bags.
PLASTICS Recycling
- Myer Park , 7700 Cypresswood Drive - 7700 Cypresswood Drive - plastics such as soft drink and water bottle containers (*remove caps from plastic bottles and containers and rinse containers.)
GLASS Recycling
- Sommermeyer Neighborhood Depository/Recycling Center, 14400 Sommermeyer Street, 713-895-1002 (Map)
- Target stores – many have recycling bins, including glass recycling at the front of the store.
METALS Recycling
- Myer Park, 7700 Cypresswood Drive - *aluminum recyclables only*
*rinse aluminum recyclables, place in plastic bags then place bags in collection containers.
- Please take Household Hazardous Waste Materials to the ‘Harris County Hazardous Waste Facility’ 6900 Hahl Road (At 290 & Gessner) for proper disposal.
- This is a FREE SERVICE for all Harris County residents. Please visit their website (www.HCHHW.org) for facility hours, map, calendar and accepted materials information.