Watch the smiles as all our lights go on! This year, ‘Nite of Lites’ begins Saturday, December 11th and runs through Sunday, January 2. Judging will take place on Saturday, December 11th. We have many new neighbors who will want to join in our 40+ year Prestonwood Forest tradition – and following is a brief description of the judging process and each award category. Some blocks have themes, however if yours does not, or if you have an idea for a new theme, please check with your neighbors (if not for this year, perhaps for next year!) New ideas keep things interesting!
2021 Award Categories
Each year, ‘Nite of Lites’ judging is performed by a committee of guest judges who live outside of Prestonwood Forest. This helps ensure objectivity and the perspective of our many visiting guests. Following is a brief explanation of each award category:
• Best All Around House - recognizing an exceptionally decorated house, with coordinating mailbox, front door and lamppost decorations.
• Best House - recognizing an exceptionally decorated house, (although the decorations might not include mailbox, front door and lamppost decorations).
• Best Mailbox, Best Door and Best Lamppost - recognition awards for the most creatively decorated of each!
• Judge’s Choice - special recognition by the judging committee.
Block Awards
• Best Block - recognizing the most exceptionally decorated block of homes (must have 95% of the block’s homes participating).
• Best Runner - Up Block - recognizing an exceptionally decorated block of homes (must have 95% of the block’s homes participating).
• Best Cul-de-Sac - recognizing a great block effort for their exceptionally decorated cul-de-sac.
New Awards added for 2021!
• Best Themed Block - recognizing an exceptionally decorated block of homes (must have 95% of the block’s homes participating) AND have a common theme for the block.
• Most Creative - recognizing a well-decorated house that is both original and innovative.
• Best Special Effects - recognizing a well-decorated house with special lighting or animation effects.
• Most Traditional - Classic, Elegant well-decorated house
Lights On/Off Schedule
To help discourage very late-night traffic, we are asking everyone coordinate the “lights on / lights off” schedule as follows:
• Lights On: Starting at 6pm
• Lights Off: Monday - Thursday – 10pm; Friday - Sunday – 11pm
Please - NO Street Parking
Due to the large influx of ‘Nite of Lites’ visitor traffic, everyone’s assistance is needed to help keep the traffic flow moving by NOT parking any vehicles on the street or in cul-de-sacs during ‘Nite of Lites’ evenings.
• Additionally, vehicles parked in the streets slow emergency vehicles needed by yourself and your neighbors. (We also don’t want to see anyone’s vehicle accidently damaged as visiting guests navigate the traffic while viewing the great ‘Nite of Lites’ decorations.) Everyone’s kind assistance and neighborly thoughtfulness is most appreciated.
Constable Patrol
Precinct 4 Constables are scheduled to provide additional security and traffic control during ‘Nite of Lites’. Please keep their 24-hour Dispatch number (281-376-3472) in your phone’s contact list, should you need assistance.
We hope this helps all of our neighbors. If there are any questions, please contact the Community Events coordinator on the ‘Contact Us’ page!